
When making appointments:

  • Please clearly give your name, address and phone number
  • Where possible, try to make your appointment a couple of days in advance
  • If you need a longer appointment please indicate to staff when making an appointment
  • If you are unable to attend your appointment, please cancel it

Patient Information

It is of utmost importance that we have your up-to-date details. Please inform the reception staff when you change address, phone number, Medicare and concession card details. It is very difficult to notify patients of changes to appointment times or contact you regarding your healthcare if these details are incorrect.

Privacy of your Information

Our practice complies with the Privacy Act of 1988 and the 2001 Amendments to that Act. Patient’s personal information is handled in accordance with our privacy policy. All patient’s consultations and medical records are kept strictly confidential. A copy of our privacy policy is available at Reception or download by clicking here.

We utilise the information you provide to manage your personal health care. We generally disclose selected information to various other health services involved in supporting your health care (e.g. pathology or specialist referrals).

If you have any questions on how we handle your personal health information, or need to arrange access to your records, please ask.